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The new boy

He was in the second grade. The month was October. Our family was moving halfway across the country back to our home state because of my husband's job. This was our fifth move since the boy was born, and his fourth school. We walked down to the classroom to meet his new teacher a few days before he was to begin school. She was a kind eyed, dark haired, short, jovial woman. She greeted us warmly and bent down just a bit to shake the boy's hand.   "My name is Mrs. P.  It is very nice to meet you."  I felt his other hand tighten around mine and noticed he stepped a bit behind my leg. He's not liking this focused attention so soon, Mrs. P., I thought to myself.   "Would you like to come and meet your new classmates,"  she asked?  He shook his head and looked towards the floor.   "Ok, then. We will see you on Monday. Enjoy your weekend," she told him.  He managed to squeak out an " okay ". The weekend continued, and I never saw an ou
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Learning the truth, again

We had just arrived at our vacation destination, Cancun Mexico. This was a much needed, much anticipated trip to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of my middle child. She had recently graduated with her Master's Degree and was about to embark on her very first "big girl" job. Her dad and I couldn't be more proud of her. Her graduation trip was a chance for the three of us to all take a deep exhale from the rigors of our crazy lives. Energy was extremely high as the bellhop dropped our bags inside our ocean view room. Is there anything more glorious than that bright turquoise water washing over those white sands? Ahhhh.... I suddenly felt a small vibration in my pocket. I reached in and pulled out my cell phone. There was a text. Hmmm, I saw his name, my first born. He knows where I am , I thought. What could he possibly want? Mom, I need to tell you something. I typed it up last night so here it is. I've been using for the past five months. I'm a mess